Contact us

If you have any questions about the services we offer, or would like to book an appointment, please either call, email or use the form on this page.

We look forward to hearing from you 🙂

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered below, then please message us, or give us a call. We do consults covering behaviour, diet, puppy health checks (and certificates), and can even help with pet walking and post-operative care. The list of services is huge, so get in touch with your question, and we will be more than happy to try our best to answer.

Yes, all appointments are in the comfort of your own home and are a stress-free alternative to going to the vets. No anxious car rides, no cold waiting rooms, no unfamiliar environments. Anyone can become a client, but we are particularly helpful to:

• Elderly or vulnerable pet owners
• Owners of anxious or fearful pets
• Travel restricted pet owners - anyone with difficulty travelling to veterinary practices
• Owners of elderly or vulnerable pets
• Owners with busy schedules, or just prefer their own home to a veterinary clinic!

All our team are fully qualified and fully insured. The Wigan area is run by Louise, who is a Registered Veterinary Nurse with over 20 years experience. Previously working as Head Veterinary Nurse in multiple busy practices, as well as being a Specialist Clinic Nurse and Veterinary Nurse Tutor.

Louise's qualifications stretch back two decades, and include Certificate in Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Species & Wildlife, Pharmacy Nurse, and Clinical Nurse Practitioner qualifications.

Louise is sometimes supported with an additional Veterinary Nurse, and a Veterinary Surgeon (when required).

We cover Wigan and the surrounding areas.

We do occasionally cover further distances, but as a mobile service this is not always possible. If you are unsure, please drop us a message letting us know where you are and what services you require, and we will get back to you right away.

We offer competitive rates on all the services we offer, starting from £16 for a consult.

Prices vary slightly across different services, and there is a slight additional charge for areas outside central Wigan.

Get in touch letting us know where you are and how we can help, and we will give you a price before you place your booking.

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